
Midrex DR Products

作者:1 發布時間:2010-03-19 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】
 MIDREX®  Plants produce a high quality, low residual product that dilutes undesirable elements contained in other charge materials. High metallic iron content, adjustable carbon levels, and consistent chemical and physical characteristics provide steelmakers broad flexibility in selecting their furnace charges as well as the ability to produce higher quality steels than possible with scrap alone. 

There are three possible product forms, depending on the application: cold DRI, hot DRI (HDRI), and hot briquetted iron (HBI). Cold DRI is generally stored for later use in a nearby EAF. HDRI is discharged hot from the shaft furnace and transported to an EAF for melting. HBI is a briquetted product that is ideal for shipping to distant consumers.

Following are the typical specifications for MIDREX DRI products. The exact specifications depend on the iron oxide used and the operation of the MIDREX Plant.


Sourced from MIDREX technologies Inc.