
Market price of pulverized coking coal in China domestic districts on 5-14

作者:27 發布時間:2010-05-14 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】
CITY handan yangquan changye changye changye jincheng suzhou
CM A:11 A:11 A:9.5 A:10 A:12.5 A:10.5 A:11
Remark free on truck free on truck  pithead price  pithead price free on truck Ex with tax free on truck
2010-5-10 950 1020 930 840 830 970 950
2010-5-11 950 1020 930 840 830 970 950
2010-5-12 1000 1020 930 840 830 970 950
2010-5-13 1000 1020 930 840 830 970 950
2010-5-14 1000 1020 930 840 830 970 950