
South Korean steel scrap imports in April up by 12pct YoY

作者:25 發布時間:2010-06-09 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】
 TEX reported that South Korea's ferrous scrap imports totaled 894,000 tonnes in April 2010, up by 12.3% YoY, indicating a YoY increase for four consecutive months, when they increased by 14.7% MoM. As a result, they stood at a high level for the first time in six months since October 2009.

Of the total imports, Japan supplied the largest quantity of 391,000 tonnes, down by 9.9% YoY and the USA the second largest of 372,000 tonnes, up by 34.2% YoY. As a result, the two nations together accounted for 85.4% of the total.

In January to April 2010 period, South Korea's ferrous scrap imports totaled 3,036,000 tonnes, up by 54.3% YoY, translating into an annualized level of 9,110,000 tonnes.

In the breakdown by main sources, Japan ranked first at 1,525,000 tonnes or 50.2% of the total, up by 45.7% YoY; the USA second at 1,068,000 tonnes or 35.2%, up by 73.5% YoY and Russia third at 147,000 tonnes or 4.9%, down by 11.4% YoY.

(Sourced from TEX Report Limited)